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Uterine prolapse

‘When the uterus drops into the vagina, as a result of weakened
or damaged muscles and connective tissues such as ligaments.’

Lifestyle changes may be all that’s required.

Uterine prolapse can happen a result of pregnancy, childbirth, hormonal changes after menopause, obesity, severe coughing and even straining on the toilet. It’s a common condition with 50% of women over 50 having some indication of uterine prolapse.

In many cases there are very few symptoms, and treatment is not required, nevertheless if you suspect you have a prolapse, it would be wise to contact us as soon as possible.

Uterine prolapse symptoms

  • Vaginal discomfort

    You may experience a heaviness, or a dragging discomfort inside your vagina which is often worse if you’ve been standing, or sitting for some time. Backache may accompany this feeling, and it will improve when you lie down. You may also be able to see a lump, or a bulge. Sex may also be uncomfortable and you could experience a lack of sensation during intercourse.

  • Urinary change

    You may have to go to the bathroom more often, and it’s possible you’ll find it difficult to do so, feeling that your bladder is not emptying properly. There may be an increase in urinary tract infections (cystitis) and you may leak urine when coughing, laughing or lifting heavy objects. If your bowel is affected, you may also experience lower back pain, constipation or incomplete bowel emptying.

Uterine prolapse treatment

If the symptoms are severe enough, there are a number of treatment options available, depending on the type of prolapse, and your individual circumstances.

Lifestyle changes
Losing weight, stopping smoking, avoiding heavy lifting and high impact physical activity will all help. If you’re constipated, getting the right treatment for that will help too, and exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles also tend to alleviate the symptoms.

Vaginal hormone treatment | Estrogen
If you only have mild symptoms, and you’ve already gone through menopause, vaginal tablets or cream may be an option.

A plastic or silicone device that fits into the vagina, helping support the pelvic organs and uterus. There are a variety of types available, and we can advise on the right option for you. If you plan on having children at some point in the future, a pessary may be the way to go.

This will alleviate the symptoms while ensuring your bladder and bowels function normally afterwards. As with any surgery, there is an element of risk, so we’d only recommend this if your symptoms are severe, and other treatment options have not worked.